DoMaur Productions - Life on Three Stages

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LO3S - 3 one act plays, 3 stages, exploring Love, Life and Loss.


'The Worker' by Walter Wykes

Directed by Julie-Anne Jolly

“The Worker,” by Walter Wykes, is a dark comedy about the relationship between a husband and wife and how the man's desire to provide disrupts their bond. 


'The Dog Park or Sexual Perversity in Magnuson' by Dennis Schebetta

Directed by Brendan Cooper

It's vulgar... it's timeless... it's satire... it's even metaphorical. Hell, the entire thing is a metaphor. It's about people and their absolute folly and primitive mindsets in which they rule their lives by.


'Requiem for ANZAC Days' by Bill Reed

Directed by Colin Reed

A pathos to recent pasts and wars long ago, a common thread of exposition of humanities inhumanity.


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  • Tuesday, 28 November 2023 | 07:30 PM - 08:45 PM
  • Wednesday, 29 November 2023 | 07:30 PM - 08:45 PM
  • Thursday, 30 November 2023 | 07:30 PM - 08:45 PM
  • Friday, 01 December 2023 | 07:30 PM - 08:45 PM


Various - starting at 64 Wilmot Street

64 Wilmot Street, Burnie, 7320, View Map and directions

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